Taking a different way to the Plaza, there appears another Catholic church, one of fifteen in Granada. This place of worship is unique for its grizzled exterior that looks older than history, and people are standing way up in a church bell tower taking photos of the city at dusk. It is evening and Mass is in progress. I have been told by a tour guide that the black stained exterior is not mold but comes from a fire built by an American, William Walker, who invaded and tried to take control of Nicaragua in the 1800’s to extend Southern slavery. He was trying to burn out defenders of the city who were holed up inside the massive walls of this church. Walker was eventually captured and executed in Honduras but American interventionism has never stopped anywhere. Church’s try to do God’s work, but men keep putting their foot in the door. American’s have been visiting Nicaragua a long time, and good has not always been on their mind, no matter what their mouths said.  
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