
A day in Cerrillos, New Mexico Just past Madrid, on the way to Santa Fe
In the 2000 U.S. Census, Cerrillos had 229 permanent residents. On the road between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, and a few miles north of Madrid, another New Mexico ghost town, Cerrillos has even...
Waiting in Line Smith's Grocery, Albuquerque, New Mexico
It is not quite seven in the morning, and at seven the Smith's grocery opens up for senior citizens, those over 60. We, in this line, aren't asked for our ID's and grey hair seems to be good enough to get us in into the store at seven. A store employee...
Waiting to go on stage making new friends and seeing old ones is the best
Talking shop is a performer's best medicine. As one group finishes their set, the emcee steps up on stage and introduces the next group. There is a fifteen minute break between bands, enough time for people to stretch, take a walk, find the porta...
Albuquerque Concert 44th Army New Mexico National Guard Band
In the American Civil War, drummer boys led troops into battle and were one of the first to be shot by opposing forces. Paintings in the White House show George Washington surrounded by a drummer and fife player when he was surviving Valley Forge and...
Columbus Wuz Here Columbus Lighthouse, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
There is controversy whether this is a lighthouse and whether Columbus's bones are really inside the not so small ornate iron box in the center of this ornate display. Columbus found the Dominican Republic on the first of his four voyages to the New...
Just Statues Lincoln and Reagan
At the entry to the Fountain Hills Park are a number of statues, some seated on benches, some standing, all with commemorative plaques and praising comments. The figures cast shadows, some longer than others. Most of the statues are of men and most have...
Frisbee Golf Fountain Hills Park, Fountain Hills, Arizona
Golf, as invented in the Scottish countryside, started with sticks and a ball. Those old guys hit the little hand made wood ball for a distant hole dug in the ground, added traps and water later to make the game harder. They created a rule book and came...
Watch out above Getting wet on a dry day
I'm walking, minding my own business, not a cloud in the sky. Water pours down like someone is pouring a bucket of water on me. In the Zona Colonia, water used to mop, or spilled when watering plants, leaves the upstairs balcony through a piece of PVC...
Arturo Fuente Cigar Club Cigar Expedition Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tobacco farms and factories are actually located closer to the city of Santiago but you can get a whiff of the industry in Santo Domingo. The Arturo Fuentes Cigar Club, in Santo Domingo, is a retail smoke shop, but it is also a gathering place for those...
Hand rolling cigars in DR In the Zona Colonia
The little cigar making room, entered through a small corner tobacco shop in the Zona Colonia, has four men inside. One is reading the paper, another is watching the cigars being made, two men are working - making cigars, by hand, one at a time. "...
Artist at Work @instagram Juan Rodriquez Artista
Just off Colon Plaza, straight east past the Pizzerella pizza parlor, Juan Voight shows up to work every day. He says he has been an artist since he was a little boy, teaches at the college just behind his little outdoor work space, and makes his living...
Street Empanadas One street over from Calle Estrellita
Every time I pass, I see customers at this little empanada stand - ordering, sitting in these plastic lawn chairs,visiting, stopping a moment in life, standing, moving away, replaced in moments by someone else. It is all very random. The process is like...