Scott’s Adventures in Uruguay

Lunch Talk at 30,000 feet Man on a medical mission
Even though airline food is made for a small eater, in a miniature container with small utensils,it is appreciated. The passenger seated next to me feels like talking, listening costs me nothing, and, at 30,000 feet up, since I'm not going...
In Transit Flying over the Andes
Being in transition is being a traveler. You have one suitcase with clothes and an extra pair of walking shoes in the cargo hold. You have a carry on bag in the overhead with computer stuff, headphones, extra pens and paper, schedules, an umbrella,...
Hotel Talk/ Ramon Massini Suites/ Pocitos A typical day
Tourist days come in all kinds of packages. You are sleeping in strange rooms, surrounded by people you don't know, eating food on the go that your stomach doesn't recognize. There is television in a different language, obsessing with schedules, making...
Coffee Sign/Hotel Massini Lobby Lobby of Massini Suites, Montevideo
This coffee is cheap, but not the best. You buy a dollar token at the hotel reception desk, drop the token in the coffee machine's slot, slide your cup in position, choose your poison, push a button, and wait as a small drizzle of coffee fills your...
On My Way Out the Door Old sights
It always feels right to return to familiar places and people on a trip. This day I revisit Jesper and Olenthe, Maria, and Gabrielle at the Urban Heritage offices, and the girls at Punta Ballena Coffee Cup who have fixed me coffee every morning and...
Fabini Plaza Xmas is nearing
On a Montevideo city bus headed back to Ciudad Vieja, Christmas decorations catch my eye. I take a detour off the city bus to enjoy them closer. This Plaza is not far from Independence Plaza. Today, there are spectators lounging on park benches, not in...
Theatro Solis, Montevideo Free day for English speaking tours
The Theatro Solis is a renovated landmark in Montevideo dedicated to the performing arts, fine arts, and community awareness of the arts. It was restored completely in the 1950s and looks now like it did in the 1800s. When you walk inside you are greeted...
Peanut Butter/Uruguay Peanut butter hunt in Uruguay
One might think getting peanut butter in Uruguay is easy. When your taste buds get the best of you though, it becomes a scavenger hunt to satisfy your suddenly craving taste buds. The only place I have found peanut butter in Montevideo has been at the...
The Bill Nailed down/ 1950’s Remembered Pocitos diner
Pocitos doesn't awake until ten in the morning. My first time past the little diner on the corner, a block from the beach, the sign in the window says Cerrado. Doubling back, Albierto is now in its place. A plaque on the exterior says this establishment,...
Potty Training Bidet is here to stay
Many accommodations I have stayed in here have had a bidet. You see them in other countries, but I never remember seeing as many as there are in Uruguay. There have been issues. In bathrooms, bidets occupy the spot closest to the shower. The...
Bus Home from the Termas The team is two
City buses in Uruguay feature a team. There is a driver who keeps the bus on the road, makes stops, stays out of accidents, and gets people on and off the transport safely. There is a conductor who collects fares, checks passes, smooths feelings, answers...
Fishing for Dorados They don't all get away
The early bird gets the worm, and, the early fisherman gets the fish. One of the activities popular around Salto, according to TripAdvisor, is Dorado fishing. One of the guides that receives the best write ups is Gianni Juncal, who speaks English and...