Scott’s Adventures in the Dominican Republic

Columbus Wuz Here Columbus Lighthouse, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
There is controversy whether this is a lighthouse and whether Columbus's bones are really inside the not so small ornate iron box in the center of this ornate display. Columbus found the Dominican Republic on the first of his four voyages to the New...
Someone Else’s Words Tour Bus, Santo Domingo
If I were on this tour bus I wouldn't have been able to take this picture. There are a myriad of ways to transport yourself on a vacation. This tour bus, as it goes by, shows faces inside glancing at me as the tour driver describes thIs area with a...
Flying Home Another trip into the books
Airports are transitional. In airports we are moving to someplace new or returning to someplace familiar. We are waiting interminable hours then squeezing into airplanes that take us 35,000 feet above the Earth and show us movies. We are victims of...
Camel Talk Smoking room, Santo Domingo Airport
Smoking has taken a beating in the United States. Most smoking in America has been banned from public buildings. All tobacco packaging has to contain scientific warnings that tobacco products are not good for your health. Tobacco is taxed at an...
Photo’s for Pat new photos with Nikon DSLR
Sometimes you just don't know what you are missing till you try something else. Pat has been persistently trying to move Scott to a DSLR for several years. " I Phone cameras are good for what they are, " he has always maintained, " but cell phones make...
Happy Home 19th Century Museo of Tostada
Across from Billini plaza is a well to do man's home of the nineteen hundreds. His home, which I am shown through, is several hundred years older than the Alcazar de Don Colon and several hundred years behind homes you find now in the Zona Colonia with...
Watch out above Getting wet on a dry day
I'm walking, minding my own business, not a cloud in the sky. Water pours down like someone is pouring a bucket of water on me. In the Zona Colonia, water used to mop, or spilled when watering plants, leaves the upstairs balcony through a piece of PVC...
With the Touch of your Finger All you have to do is touch one and they start to fly
The materials employed to make these mobile constructions are exquisitely simple - wire, fishing line, paper mache, paint. One touch of one hummingbird and all of them are flying, fearless in space, reminding me of hummingbirds in the Costa Rican...
Self Portraits Bolo's Gallery on Calle Isabel Catholica
There is art everywhere on Calle Conti, leaning against walls in pedestrian walkways, stacked deep in little shops along with Dominican Republic baseball caps and knick knacks. The canvases are small, medium, and large, but all seem to have been painted...
Faces Cathedral, Zona Colonia, Santo Domingo
The front and back metal gates to the massive Cathedral, in the center of the Zona Colonia, are not four hundred years old. They look that old, however, and the faces sculpted unto them look eternal and primordial. There are the faces of Luke, Mark,...
Museo of Rum In the Zona Colonia
Rum has been around for centuries. Columbus brought the first sugarcane to the new world, and, shortly after, the first sugar cane plantation, worked by slaves, was begun in the New World in the Dominican Republic. A trade route was begun with...
Nap Time Same dog, two different days, Same result
This moment is as perfect a picture of contentment as I have ever seen.