The San Pedro Town Catholic Church fronts the Caribbean Sea, just like every other bar, restaurant, and lodging in town.. As you walk the length of the beach you can look over a fence that separates church grounds from the beach and see cement seats and a statue of  Virgin Mary. Entering the church, in the front, is an inscription from Matthew , a Confessional, a Donation Box, and a clear view of a simple Sancristy. You enter and leave the church through Market Square that is filled with vendors selling trinkets, drunks sleeping off night’s excesses, tourists taking pictures, hangers on with no work and no prospects. This is a quiet place to collect thoughts, remember those gone,  rest weary feet .There is no one here to tell you you can’t be here, and, it doesn’t cost anything. Along the top of the wall at the back of the church is wire left exposed with jagged edges. The only way to come into this church is by the front door.  
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