The entry fee to this old home is only 100 pesos and includes a tour guide. This palace, set on the far side of the Plaza Espana, was built in the early 1500’s for Diego Colon, a son of Christopher Columbus. In succeeding years it fell into disrepair and was eventually reconditioned by the local government and is currently maintained as a national treasure. The tour guide is worth twice the admission price. You put  headphones on, turn the machine on, walk yourself through the palace at your own pace. When you come to a room you look for a little postcard with a number on the wall. You punch that number into your tour guide and it, cheerfully, gives you all the information you need to take yourself back to the 1500’s. These clothes, furniture, and decorations are those of the upper class, the privileged of the time.  With my trusty tour guide, I get a quick education and run through  twenty postcards on the walls. There were once little kids running these halls before going to their old tutors to learn about running an empire. At night, having a cocktail at the Espana Plaza, it would be nice to see Columbus come out on cool evenings and regale us with stories of his epic journey as if he were still standing on the bridge of his ship looking at the stars on cloudless ocean nights. It gets harder and harder to do unique things the further down time’s tunnel you appear and that makes those who have done spectacular look even brighter.  
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