There is street food in San Pedro Town. This little enterprise, ” La Taqueria “, opens at seven thirty each morning on Coconut Street where the road turns towards the Average Joe Bar and Caribbean Fuels gas station, and turns again past the S & P Hardware store to points south. The taqueria’s, chicken or pork inside a small rolled corn tortilla, are three for a Belizian dollar. For six U.S. dollars you can buy fifteen and a drink and not have to eat the rest of the day. On one of the stand’s windows is a business license and hot food is in slowly simmering pots. A short woman, with a fork, scoops meat out of a pot of your choice, spreads it on a tortilla, then rolls the tortilla and wraps them in foil for take out. You can have onions and a local hot sauce for no extra charge. Her husband sets up  folding tables for dine in’s and puts money into a little metal cash box. This morning I wait for a man ahead of me who orders twenty one. Street food gets a bad rep. These kitchens are cleaner than some restaurants here plus you get to watch your meal being prepared. Licking hot sauce off my fingers, that oozes out of the taqueria, as I bite, gives this trip panache.  
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