Meow Wolf is an immersive, interactive, art installation in an old bowling alley in Santa Fe, N, M.  It has become a tourist destination and once you enter you will be challenged. It was started in 2008 as an art collective. This is what the creators, with over 400 employees, and installations in Denver, Las Vegas, Santa Fe, and eventually Phoenix, say about their effort. ” Meow Wolf creates immersive and interactive experiences that transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of story and exploration, This includes art installations, video and music production, and extended reality content….. Inside, guests discover a multidimensional mystery house with secret passages, portals to magical worlds, and an expansive narrative amidst surreal ,maximalist, and mesmerizing art exhibits….. Meow Wolf champions otherness, weirdness, challenging norms, radical inclusion, and the power of creativity to change the world…… ” When I came out of the installation, I was glad to be back to my pedestrian reality. This, I’m certain, is just preparing the way for the dystopian, not so distant, world, of artificial intelligence and technology. I’m missing days when you sat in a rocking chair on the front porch and watched storm clouds rolling in over the freshly plowed and planted fields. We can’t stop technology, and as easy as it makes our lives, it comes with costs.  
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