Scotttreks eats up lots of shoe leather. An easier day is board game afternoon on Wednesdays, This Wednesday, our game is Mexican Train dominoes in Nicaragua.. There are rules and procedures, but all domino games end the same. In domino’s, if you play all your tiles before everyone else plays their tiles, you win the set. Each of the other players counts the dots on their domino’s that they have not played, and the dots are added and the sum is written under their name on a score sheet. When someone’s point total reaches a hundred, the game is over. The player with the lowest point total wins the game. In the Caribbean, domino’s is an afternoon game played on a rickety table under a shade tree in front of a local bar. In Granada, this afternoon, it is a late afternoon game in the back room of a mini market at a big table. I will make it a point to be here next Wednesday. Finishing in the middle of the pack is not a bad place, but I, like everyone else, like it when my train pulls into the station first. Competition is okay but it is trumped by good company every time.  
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